Bexhill Lodge 4898

Meetings and Dining

When we meet


We hold regular meetings throughout the year, each followed by a dinner. These meetings take place six times annually, specifically on the First Tuesday of February, March, April, October, November and December.

The March meeting serves as the ‘Installation’ meeting, during which the new Master for the upcoming year is formally installed, and the new officers for the year are appointed.

Meetings are held at the Masonic Centre, Wilton Rd, Bexhill-on-Sea and commence promptly at 5.00 PM, with the exception of the March meeting, which begins at 4:30 PM for the Installation ceremony.

The meetings, which, like those of other organisations, are restricted to members only, typically consist of two parts.

The first part includes standard administrative procedures such as:

  • Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting
  • Proposals and balloting for new members
  • Review and approval of the annual accounts
  • Masonic news and correspondence
  • Updates on charitable initiatives

The second part of the meeting involves the ceremonial proceedings, which include:

  • Admission of new members
  • The annual installation of the Master of the Lodge and his officers

Lodge of Instruction


A “Lodge of Instruction” refers to the informal gathering within a Masonic lodge where members come together to rehearse ceremonies and learn the rituals, with a view to improving the ceremony held on a Lodge evening.

These sessions are primarily focused on imparting knowledge related to the rituals, symbols, and philosophical tenets of Freemasonry. They serve as an essential platform for both newly initiated and experienced members to deepen their understanding of Masonic practices, refine ceremonial duties, and ensure the accurate execution of rites and rituals.

Over time, these sessions have proven to be invaluable for those seeking to progress through the various offices leading to the Master’s Chair. As such, all members are strongly encouraged to attend.

The Lodge of Instruction meetings are held on the each Tuesday of each month when the Lodge meets, at The Masonic Centre, and begin at 7:30 PM.