Bexhill Lodge 4898


Freemasonry and Charity

Charitable giving is an important part of Freemasonry, but it’s not our sole purpose—it’s a natural extension of who we are and who we strive to become.

Unlike many charitable organisations, Freemasons raise all funds internally—nothing is collected from the general public. We don’t engage in street fundraising or public appeals. Instead, members contribute voluntarily, always within their means, through alms collections, gift aid, and other initiatives.

Freemasons support charity in four key ways:

  1. Annual Dues – A portion of each member’s dues contributes to Masonic charitable causes.
  2. Gift-Aided Donations – Members can choose to make tax-efficient charitable contributions.
  3. Alms Collections – Small voluntary donations are collected at each Lodge meeting.
  4. Raffles & Fundraisers – In Lodges that hold raffles, members can participate by purchasing tickets.

The Lodge Charity Steward ensures that all funds are distributed according to the wishes of the brethren, supporting both Masonic and local charities.

Worshipful Masters Charity 2025 -2026

Sensory Soft Play is a Charitable Organisation.  A Sussex-based charity that support parent carers’ of children and young people with SEND in Hastings and the surrounding areas.  We provide respite sessions on a Saturday, Holiday Clubs, funded trips out, an on-line support Facebook page.  Our activities include multi-sensory experiences, arts and crafts activities, forest school, soft play.

Sensory Soft Play is a parent-led organisation, managed by a board of trustees made up of parents and professionals. We get funding from local authorities, as well as from charitable trusts and through our own fundraising.